Episode 1 - The Most Important Bible Story You’ve Never Hears Of

What if I told you there was one Bible story which influenced the composition of the entire Bible? Unlike Noah’s Ark or the life of Jesus, each is much less famous story. Join us for a look at the Babylonian Exile and why it is so important to our understanding of Scripture.

Episode 2 - What Happens at Confirmation?

At Baptism, we receive an indelible mark on our soul. At Marriage, the two become one. But what happens to you at Confirmation?

Episode 3 - Two Creations?

The first two chapter of Genesis tell different stories of creation. Why are they different and what can they tell us about the Bible?

Episode 4 - Why Is John So Different?

Of the Four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known together as the Synoptics. And there's John. Why is our fourth Gospel so different and how did it find its way into the Bible? That's what we will be taking a look at today.

Episode 5 - Keeping Up with the Jameses

Scripture is full of duplicate names and stories. In case of James, we have two Apostles, an early Church leader, and an Epistle. Along the way we learn the importance of storytelling in passing on our faith.

Episode 6 - What Really Happened at Vatican II?

The majority of Catholics have now been born after the Second Vatican Council. This means we depend on the stories of others to get to know Vatican II. Often, these stories can be mythologized (for better or worse) and lead us to ask, what actually happened at Vatican II? In today’s episode, we welcome Deacon Steven Caraher to the show!

Episode 7 - Rome Special: The Pope’s Elephant

In this special episode of Cast into the Deep, Matt shares the story of the Pope's Elephant during his travels to Rome and World Youth Day in Portugal.

Episode 8 - Limbo

For never being an official Catholic doctrine, Limbo enjoyed pride of place for many of our most respected theologians. How did Limbo go from common place to almost non-existent in current studies? That's what we will be taking a look at today.

Episode 9 - Was Jesus an Essene?

In the First Century existed a monastic-like Jewish sect who had many similarities to early Christianity. Who was this group? That’s who we will be looking at today.

Episode 10 - Angry God?

Throughout Scripture, God is depicted at times as angry, jealous, and wrathful. How does these images compatible with the idea of an all loving, all merciful Creator? Find out in this week's episode!

Episode 11 - What is a Synod?

Synods have long been a part of the Catholic Church. In recent years, they have garnered various levels of media attention with forthcoming Synod on Synodality making the most recent headlines. What is this gathering in Rome all about and what exactly is a synod? That's what we will be taking a look at.

Episode 12 - How to Become a Saint

How did we get such a formalized process of canonization? Join us as we look at the saint making process!

Episode 13 - Random Catholic Words

No, we are not out of idea, just a fun departure from our usual content! Let us know your favorite Catholics word for a future follow up episode.