For a list of published work, click here.

Whatever the occasion, you’re covered:

International speaker, retreat leader, workshop, youth minister standup routine, all are just a click away!

  • What does our Church offer that no one else can? Learn how by being a Eucharistic people, we can turn Communion into a deeper source of invitation and evangelization .

  • A fun, yet informative way to look at wedding preparation…from someone preparing for marriage himself! Combining Sacramental Theology classes with personal experience, what follows is a practical approach to preparing young couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony .

  • Evangelization often elicits a feeling of nervousness or “that’s someone else’s job.” Yet, this is our baptismal call. Join Matt as he shares how to make evangelizing part of our everyday reality in a way which is natural and allows us to be ourselves.

  • Featured at the International Catholic Stewardship Conference: Each person places a role in growing the Young Church. In this presentation, we take a look at best practices for increasing young adult engagement.

  • The end of the world has long captured our minds. Will it be a rapture or apocalypse? Join Matt for a look at what our faith tradition shows and see how the end really looks the beginning and the present.

  • Part stand up comedy, part group therapy session. If you work with youth, then you will love this reflection on the important, albeit comical at times, world of youth ministry.

  • In just a short time together, learn the nuts and bolts of Scripture to give you the necessary tools to dive deeper into studying the Bible.

  • We use the term grace all the time, but have you ever stopped to think what it really is? Join Matt for a practical look at how grace effects us every day.

  • Being a good steward can start at any age. Learn how you can cultivate this talent in families and make them lifelong stewards!

Don’t see your perfect talk? My areas include:

  • Eucharist

  • Evangelization

  • Eschatology

  • Bible Studies

  • Youth Ministry

  • Young Adult Ministry

  • Faith Sharing

  • Spiritual Companioning

  • Confirmation Programs

  • The Saints

  • Grace