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March 2024 Newsletter

March sure has been crazy! Which is why newsletter writing has been way behind. With Holy Week here, I thought it would be timely to walk through this important week. What follows are photos from my trip to the Holy Land in 2020 along with some thoughtful reflections to help you in last minute preparation towards Easter.

Garden of Gethsemane

Olive trees can stay alive for over 2,000 years, and it is thought the tree in this picture was standing the night Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Holy Thursday, we remember this time when Jesus prayed before his arrest. It is this tree which stood as witness our Lord’s agony. Of course, the tree could not perceive anything happening, but there is something in our humanity which is drawn to objects present at historic moments. While witnesses have a lifespan, particular objects stand the test of time. We value these objects in museums because they not only teach us about the event, but they in some way transport us back to the moment. And so it is with this simple olive tree. A reminder the events of the Passion really did happen. May we take some time this week to step back into that moment which would change history forever. 

Jesus’ Arrest

What do you picture an ancient jail to be like? Perhaps it is like a modern detention center but with stone instead of iron bars? A large area where the prisoners were changed together? This is the place where Jesus was held after his arrest from the garden. It is a cistern which Jesus would have been lowered into whether by rope or by chains. Even today, visiting the site, you can feel the loneliness and stillness. Holy Thursday night has long been my favorite part in preparing for Easter. The tragic events of the Passion have begun, yet there is a sense of calmness. There is also a comfort in knowing Jesus waits in this quiet. Through sin, we can often feel isolated and far off from those we love. Christ too is here. No darkness, no distance can truly separate us. How can we be with Christ this night?

Way of the Cross

A busy marketplace is a common site. It would have also been common on Good Friday 2,000 years ago. It is in an ordinary street that Christ carried his cross through the streets of Jerusalem. It was a world filled with war, famine, corruption, and many of the problems we still face today. Many can cynically reply, Christ’s death has done nothing. Many would have also thought this day 2,000 years ago was not different either. Yet, those with the ideas of faith know the world was forever changed. Perhaps our lives seem no different today than last year. Maybe your Lent wasn’t the best (like mine). Or maybe you’re not where you’d hope to be, come this Easter. Jesus turned an unassuming Friday into one which we would forever call Good. How can the Lord work in you this day?

The Whole Passion in One Picture

I still find it remarkable that the events of the Passion all take place within this one photo. From Jesus' arrest, to his crucifixion, to his resurrection, all take place within one click of the camera. When people ask me about the Holy Land, I often tell them my biggest surprise was just how similar everything is to home. Many of the Bible stories which I have heard growing up could have easily taken place in my home area. The story of Jesus is not some magical fairytale, but the story is still taking place. Yes, the event of Jesus’ Passion which ushered in salvation did happen 2,000 years ago, but it is still unfolding today. An event so powerful cannot be contained to one moment in time but rather stretches out to touch every moment going forward and every corner of the world. It is with this frame of mind we can say the events of Jesus’ Passion are playing out in our backyards even now. As we approach this holiest time of the year, we do not see the event of our Lord as far off but rather in the here and now.