Toward Full Presence Reflection

by Matt Kresich


Numbers in parentheses refer to the paragraph being cited from “Towards Full Presence.” To access the whole document, click here. 

The promise of a connected world is a place where all voices are heard. However, one look at the social media landscape says otherwise. Far from being a platform for every voice, we see greater division and the views of only a few being heard.  

Addressing this matter, the Vatican’s Dicastery of Communication has put forth: Towards Full Presence: A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media. Its main goal: to develop the Christian style for engaging the digital world. While this is a much needed writing, the steps it provides are nothing new. Act with charity, remember you are a representative of Christ, and do not be impulsive.

While these steps might seem like common Chrisitan sense, the reflections given are quite novel and have stirred within me a renewed sense of our roles as Christian communicators. The first action towards this renewed sense is to take on the role of a listener (25). I realize the great irony being a content creator. It is a reminder that while social media is primarily thought of as a place to share our thoughts, it can also be a useful tool to learning about others (77). Not learning in order to judge, but learning to understand. While we should strive to always communicate the truth, we are reminded that someone’s views are more easily changed in the community setting (67). When we feel as though we belong, then we are willing to change our minds. In order to belong, we must be a part of the community. Authentic communication leads to this community building. “A true communicator gives everything, gives all of himself or herself (64)”. 

A very beautiful way to accomplish this goal is through storytelling. When questioned by a scholar of the law, Jesus did not give a counter argument, but rather told a story. That story? The Good Samaritan. “As a master storyteller, Jesus does not put the lawyer in the shoes of the Samaritan, but rather in the shoes of the wounded man (70).” We need to learn how to not just tell stories, but to tell our story. Here is how the Faith is spread. Authentic sharing leads to authentic disciples. 

This is how the Church began. It was through the sharing of men and women who had an encounter with the risen Lord. This is the core of Evangelization. Technology has given us new avenues for proclaiming the age old message of the Good News. While there are certainly challenges brought forth by social media, as Christians we are called to embrace the signs of the times and use social communication for the glory of God. Only then can our communication move from information to community and finally, to communion (45).